Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

Evaluation Of Chapter 5

A.Multiple Choice



1. what is the difference between first line indent and hanging indent ?
2. How to insert a new column in table ?
3. a. What is ribbon ?
    b .Name parts of the ribbon.
4. a. How to set the spacing in a script ?
    b. Name type of scripts.
5. Explain briefly on how to make a mass letter using the mail merge facility.

Answer !

1.First line indent : it is to align according to preference on the letter or number  on the first line of a word or a sentece that has been blocked.
   Hanging indent : it is to align according to preference on the letter or number on the second line, third, and so on within a blocked sentece.
2. a. place the cursor on a table thet will be inserted a column
    b. Click the layout tab, look in the rows & columns group.
    c. If  we are to inseret a column on on the right side of the table, click insert right, whereas to insert a new column on the left side, click insert left.
3. a. Ribbon : it is a bar that contains icons to support word processing.
    b. - home
        - insert
        - page layout
        - reference
        - mailing
        - review
        - view
4. a. Hightlight the text to be changed.
    b. Click on the Home tab, choose a dialog box launcher on the Paragraph group.
    c. On the paragraph dialog box, click Indent and spacing.
    d. Choose one of the spacing following  options.
         Single         : 1 space 
         1,5 lines     : 1.5 space
        Double        : 2 space
         At least       : the spacing is determined according to the minimum size line with the maximum size font.
        Exactly        : the spacing is determined equally without font adjustment.
        multiple        ; the spaccing is determined by a percentage.
    e. Click OK.
5. a. Open a new document, then click on the Mailing tab.
    b. choose start mail merge and click letter.
    c. afterward, you can make a mail merge main document as seen below.